The Bees get a boost for Girls football


Girls, Girls, Girls

England Manager Gareth Southgate congratulates Harborough Town Juniors FC on their funding success

Harborough Town FC are celebrating after being awarded a Grow the Game grant, something that has attracted praise from England Manager Gareth Southgate.

The grant, which will provide a boost to grassroots football in Market Harborough, has paved the way for Harborough Town FC’s junior section to develop 4 new teams in the next 2 years – 2 x girls, 1 x inclusive and an adult female team. The project will also create 8 new FA qualified and FA DBS checked male and female coaches.

England Men’s Senior Manager and Football Foundation Ambassador, Gareth Southgate, said: “I am so pleased that Harborough Town FC’s youth section has secured this Grow the Game grant. The club has worked very hard with Leicestershire & Rutland County FA and the Football Foundation to get more local people playing football so that they can enjoy the many physical and mental benefits that come with playing regular sport.

“Grow the Game is mainly funded by The FA and delivered by the Football Foundation. This is money that is flowing from the very top of the game down to the lowest levels, to help clubs at the grassroots to bear the cost of starting up a new team, whether it be for a new kit, pitch hire or sending volunteers on FA accredited coaching courses.”

Marion Hayton, Club Development and Commercial Executive, said: The club is overwhelmed with the support given from Football Foundation and Leicestershire FA. For a club as big as ours (46 teams and counting), the Grow the Game funding will allow the club to purchase the correct resources, fund FA qualifications and pay affiliation and registration fees towards each of the newly formed 4 teams over the next 2 years. We wouldn’t be able to provide the high standard required at the club without this initial injection of funding from the Football Foundation. We are so grateful and cannot thank the Foundation enough’.

For more information contact:
Marion Hayton. E: [email protected] M: 07785614414

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