Suspension of Football


Following the announcement last night by the Prime Minister, the trustees have to advise that Harborough Town Football Club unfortunately shall close once again to all members and private users until at least 15th February 2021 (date to be reviewed according to Government advice).

Whilst we are all extremely disappointed with the news, it is most important that as a club we follow the government guidance in keeping all our members and staff safe.

For information; Brooke House Football Academy will continue to be able to use the facility to train at, which is allowed under government exemptions as sport forms part of their normal academic curriculum.

In terms of the membership fees, as previously advised, the board of trustees will review them at the end of the season, when as a board we will have the full information on the impact of lockdowns and played weeks etc.

We know how frustrating this is for our members, and we will look to restore access as soon as we are able to do so. In the meantime, thank you for your support so far, we again request your patience and support whilst the country works through this exceedingly difficult time.

Please keep safe and well whilst we wait to return to football.

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