Harboro’ Town Res’s 8 (eight) Daventry Town 0 Match Report


Harborough Town Reserves manager Tony Sansome:

“Harborough Town Res 8 Daventry Town Res 0

We’ve been threatening this scoreline for a little while so it was nice to finally achieve it. We also had to contend without one of our best players Alex Morris who has deservedly earned himself a first team call up. It always helps to score in the first minute of course, good play between Harry May and Josh King, saw May dink an angled shot over the keeper from over 20 yards. We created a few chances that were spurned but finally our pressure told and we doubled our lead on 37 with a powerful drive from Jamie Mastropierro.

We ran riot in the second half, King heading home in the first minute of the restart, our 4th goal came on 59 through a powerful run and shot from Mohammed Zakaria Soumah, sub Luke Hartley scored on 64 with an excellent first time effort catching the keeper out. Timmy Gorman Powell’s long distance effort evaded the keeper on 69 to make it 6. We then had a sloppy spell where we took our foot off the gas, and Daventry had the better of the possession. But we got back into it and scored again on 89 through another sub Aiden Black venturing forward from right back and finishing well. The scoring was finished on 90 when Gorman Powell headed home from a set piece.

Our football was good, as was our tempo, the biggest difference between this and previous home performances was our better finishing today. Daventry are a very young side (as generally are we) who struggled on the day but you can see they have some good players, we just didn’t let them play today. Big up to them and their manager for stopping for a long time after the game, we’ve all been there and it would have been easy to have left early.

We now look forward to a tough home against St Andrews on Tuesday night who had a good win today.”

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