Harboro Reserves get 4 for the 2nd time in 5 days


Harborough Town Reserves manager Tony Sansome:

“Harborough Town Res 4 Bourne Town Res 0

Same scoreline as Tuesdays game, but we didn’t play anywhere near as well today. We were trying to force it too much and held onto the ball far too long, it also didn’t help that we found another in form keeper. We did take the lead on 12 minutes when a long pass out of defence from Sam Edwards found Josh King as a willing runner and he wrong footed the keeper to score. Whilst we had chances for the remainder of the half we’d be kidding ourself if we were felt happy, and words were exchanged at half time. Whilst the second half also wasn’t at the level we require it was an improvement and eventually chances fell to us, Matt Chapman scored the 2nd with a cross come shot on 63, after being played in by Aiden Black. Alex Morris scored the third after good work from King and Jack Clipston headed home from a corner by sub Tom Millington. There was still time for another chance and Luke Hartley latched onto it but it shaved the post as it narrowly missed. More pleasing was that we managed another clean sheet. I also thought the ref had a good game, largely trying to keep the game flowing. Bourne are a young side like ourselves and credit to them they never stopped trying, excellent attitude and I can certainly see them improving as the season goes on.”

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