Daventry Town Res’s 4 Harboro Town Res’s 2 Match Report


Harborough Town Reserves manager Tony Sansome:

“Daventry Town Res 4
Harborough Town Res 2

As the old football cliche goes, this was a game of two halves. We knew we might be up against it yesterday playing without any recognised strikers, the leagues leading scorer Josh King was injured, Luke Hartley away and Louis Martin stuck on a stationary train somewhere between Nottingham and Harborough. Timmy Gorman Powell was chosen as striker for the day, and in fairness we thought he was one of our better players on the day. For most of the first half we were the better side and played some great football unfortunately not taking our chances, we suddenly found ourselves behind on 25 we felt very harshly dealt with when three big decisions were made in 30 seconds of football and we didn’t get any of those decisions, we were level a minute later though with one we did get, I know their keeper felt he was fouled but our view from the dugouts meant we couldn’t tell (without sounding like Arsene Wenger) and Paul Lewis was on hand to tap home. Within five we were behind again via the penalty spot and no complaints about the decision, it was poor football from us though. We equalised again on 36 with a wonderful football goal, i don’t think we’ll score a better one all season, one and two touch football all over the pitch and caressed home by makeshift striker Gorman Powell.

At half time there was no reason to think that we wouldn’t carry on playing the way we were and as long as we took our chances we’d be fine. Well that didn’t happen, we were awful the worst spell of football all season. That’s not taking anything away from Daventry, they were well drilled and they kept it simple, a lot of high balls to the two strikers who worked tirelessly, the 10 especially was a handful, and from their point of view they scored two excellent goals. They definitely deserved their win in the end. We thought we’d equalised at 3-3 and the offside decision seemed harsh to us but we barely deserved to score second half regardless. We also went down to ten men with two yellow cards, first definitely was, second probably was. We also lost Jay Ironmonger to injury, who was one of the few positives to a poor overall performance from us.

Well done to Daventry though they wanted it a whole lot more than we did second week.”

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