Rothwell Corinths Res’s 4 Harboro’ Res’s 1 Match Report


Harborough Town Reserves manager Tony Sansome:

“Rothwell Corinthians Res 4 Harborough Town Res 1

I think it’s best if this report is kept as brief as is possible. We should have scored in the first minute, we did score on five, when a home defender turned the ball in after a Louis Martin cross. We had a sending off on nine which we can’t complain about, we reorganised and battled our socks off. There was a knee high challenge on our CM which was only awarded a yellow card, and then they were awarded a “debatable” penalty when the ball was smacked straight at a player whose arms were tucked in, he was then sent off!!

Rothwell scored another towards the end of the half.Down to nine and nothing going our way, we spent the half time team talk trying to find a way to stay in the game until the final stages, we were doing well until another penalty was awarded, even less of a penalty than the first one in my opinion, and at 3-1 we knew the game was over.

It was just damage limitations at this stage, and unfortunately they scored another straight after.The game ended 4-1 which wasn’t a fair reflection due to things out of our control. From our side we are proud of everyone out there who gave us everything they had. The committee and first team assistant manager watching were impressed with the effort and work rate put in by the lads. We could ask no more.”

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