HTFC AGM 2016 Invitation


Monday 12th September 2016 1930hrs HTFC Function Room


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Harborough Town Community Trust will take place in the Function Room at the Football Club at 19.30 on Monday 12th September 2016.

It is a requirement of the club that ALL TEAMS must have a representative attend the Annual General Meeting. Teams are very welcome to send more than one representative but only one member can vote on behalf of a team. Supporters, parents and anyone who has an interest in Harborough Town Community Trust are very welcome to attend and the Trustees would ask that you actively encourage people to attend the meeting as there will be an update on the many activities that are taking place around the club including the facility development, and it also gives members the opportunity to ask questions of the Trustees.

The agenda will include reports from The Chairman, Treasurer, Accountants, Senior Football Section, Junior Football Section and the election of two co-opted trustees. Hard copies of the reports and accounts will be available at the meeting or by request one week prior to the meeting.

The Articles of Association allow the Charity to have a minimum of three and a maximum of eight trustees two of whom will be co-opted. Under article 30.3 the trustees serve a period of three years following election at which point the individual has to retire but is eligible to stand for re-election. Co-opted Trustees are elected on a one-year term and are eligible for re-election.

Current Trustees (time left to serve before retiring/seeking re-election)
Chairman: Laurence Jones (1 year)
Treasurer: Siobhan Brewin (1 year)
Secretary: Colin Murrant. (2 years)
Senior Section: Andy Winston (1 year)
Senior Section: Gordon Robinson (1 year)
Junior Section: Ivor McTighe (2 years)
Junior Section Vacancy (co-opted)
Trustee Vacancy (co-opted)

There are two vacancies for a co-opted Trustees one from the Junior Section and one from any other interested member.

For the Junior Section Trustee – applications invited using HT Nomination – Trustee – Youth Form, returned to the Trust Company Secretary by the 4th September 2016.

Anybody wishing to be considered for the other co-opted Trustee positions or become a Trustee should complete the HT Nomination – Trustee Form, returned to the Trust Secretary by the 4th September 2016.

If you require any further information on the Trustee nominations or AGM please contact the Company Secretary email [email protected] or by mobile: 07810 054226.

Colin Murrant
Company Secretary
Harborough Town Community Trust
Date of Notice 22nd August 2016

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