Toys On The Table Appeal 2021


With Christmas just around the corner we have teamed up with Toys On The Table’s 2021 appeal and need your help!

We have volunteered to be a collection point for donated toys and gifts for this fantastic community appeal, and playing our part in distributing over 4,000 toys and gifts across Leicestershire & Rutland to those children who may otherwise have not received presents at Christmas.

Please take a look at the attached poster for details; and we’ll be ready from tomorrow morning to receive donations all the way through to Christmas Eve.  We hope over the next few weeks that our members pull together and continue to show what a fantastic club and community we are part of – Thank You!

The Toys On The Table team are also interested in hearing from anyone able to give up time to help collate and deliver the presents to Santa’s workshop – please email [email protected] if you can spare some time nearer Christmas.

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